Posted by : Boyo
Sunday, December 18, 2016
What's cybercrime
Cyber Crime is a new form of crime using the internet as a medium for committing crime ith the advent of the internet era. Every criminal activities committed on the internet or through the Internet, commonly referred to as Internet crime.
Types of cyber crime and violations are very diverse as a result of the application of technology. Cyber crime can be wiretapping and misuse of the information or data in electronic form and transferred electronically, theft of electronic data, pornography, abuse of a child as an object against the judiciary, fraud memalui internet, gambling diinternet, vandalism website, in addition to the heaping system through a virus, Trojan horse , signal grounding and others.
Who cybercrimes?
We need to know the perpetrators of cybercrime are those who have high expertise in computer science, perpetrators of cybercrime is generally controlled algorithms and computer programming fatherly create a script / code malware, they can analyze the workings of computer systems and networks, and is able to find loopholes pasa system will then use the weakness to be entered so that crimes such as theft of data can be successfully carried out.
Types of Cybercrime
There are several types of crimes on cyber crime can be classified based on the activities done as described below are summarized from various sources.
- unauthorized Aces => Is a crime that occurs when someone enters or infiltrate into a computer network system illegally, without permission, or without the knowledge of the owner of the computer network system is entered. Examples of these crimes are Probing and port.
- illegal Contents => A crime that is done by entering data or information into the Internet about something improper, unethical, and can be regarded as unlawful or disturb the public order, for example, is the spread of pornography or untrue reports.
- The spread of the virus intentionally => Spread of the virus is generally performed by using an email. Often people are exposed to the virus e-mail system is not aware of this. The virus is then transmitted to another place via email.
- Cyber Espionage, Sabotage, and Extortion => Cyber Espionage is a crime by way of utilizing the Internet to conduct espionage against other parties, by entering into the target computer network system. Sabotage and Extortion is the type of crime committed by creating a disturbance, destruction or the destruction of the data, computer programs or computer network system connected to the Internet.
- Carding => Carding is a crime that is made to steal credit card numbers belonging to others and used in commercial transactions on the Internet.
- Hacking and Cracker => The term hacker refers to someone who has a great interest in learning the details of computer systems and how to improve capabilities. Cracking activity on the Internet has a very wide scope, ranging from hijacking an account belonging to someone else, piracy websites, probing, spread the virus, to incapacitate the target. Last actions called DoS (Denial of Service). Dos attack is an attack aimed at paralyzing the target (hangs, crashes) therefore can not provide the service.
- Cybersquatting and typosquatting => Cybersquatting is a crime committed by registering domain names the company of others and then trying to sell it to the company with a more expensive price. The typosquatting is a crime to make a play domain is a domain that is similar to the domain name of another person.
- Cyber Terrorism => Measures cybercrime including cyber terrorism if it threatens the government or citizens, including cracking to the government or military.