Posted by : Boyo Saturday, December 17, 2016

Internet is an acronym meaning networkingyang interconnected computer networks that are connected between the computer with other computers that form a network of computers around the world, so that they can interact, communicate, share information or exchange data.

Physically, the Internet can be described as webs that resemble spider webs surrounding the earth are connected through the points (nodes). Nodes can be computers and equipment (peripheral) others.

INTERNET The term comes from the Latin "inter", which means "between". In verbatim INTERNET means between or connective tissue. That's the function, INTERNET linking various networks that do not depend on each other in such a way, so that they can communicate. What system is used at each network is not a problem, whether DOS or UNIX system.
While the local network typically consists of a type of computer (eg, DOS or UNIX), INTERNET overcome differences on various operating systems by using the "language" the same by all networks in data transmission. Basically this is what causes the magnitude of the dimensions of INTERNET.
Thus, the definition INTERNET is the "network of networks", by creating the possibility of cross-network communications all over the world without depending on the type of computer.
so the internet is the relationship between different types of computers and networks in the world a different operating system or application in which these relationships utilizing advances in communication media (telephone and satellite) that uses standard protocols to communicate the protocol TCP / IP.

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