Posted by : Boyo
Friday, December 16, 2016

In this third-generation technology Integrated Circuit (IC) is the central feature because it began to be used on a computer device to the current generation. IC component hybrid or solid form (SLT) and monolithyc (MST). SLT is a transistor and a diode placed separately in one place while the MST is an element of transistors, diodes, and resistors are put together in a single chip. MST more kesil but upon ability to have greater than SLT.
IC was first created by Texas istruments and Fairchild Semiconductor in 1959 which contains only six transistors. Can we compare the current processor that we use already has millions, tens, hundreds of millions of transistors, has even designed processors with billions of transistors. A remarkable development in a period of less than half a century.
The characteristics of third generation computers are:
- Because using the IC performance computers become faster and more accurate. The speed is nearly 10,000 times faster than the first generation computers.
- Improvement of the software.
- Larger memory capacity, and can store hundreds of thousands of characters (previously only tens of thousands).
- Using a magnetic disc storage media outside (external disk) the nature of the data random access (random access) with a large capacity (millions of characters).
- More efficient use of electricity.
- The ability to do multiprocessing and multitasking.
- Have used the visual display terminal and can make a sound
- The price is getting cheaper.
- The ability to communicate with other computers.

IBM S / 360, UNIVAC 1108, UNIVAC 9000, Burroughts 5700, 6700, 7700, NCR Century, GE 600, CDC 3000, 6000, and 7000, the PDP-8 and PDP-11 (the manufacturer is Digital Equipment Corporation) is an example -contoh third generation computers.